Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. David Hynes & Noel Battle  Maggie Brown  A Blow For Peace 
 2. Duke Ellington  Brown [Second Movement of Black Brown and Beige]  Carnegie Hall Jan 1943  
 3. Dean Carr  Little Maggie  Live at NoExit 10/4/98 
 4. Dean Carr  Little Maggie  Live at NoExit 10/4/98 
 5. Simtec & Wylie  Maggie May  Funky16Corners Blog 
 6. Simtec & Wylie  Maggie May  Funky16Corners Blog 
 7. Chevreuil  Maggie  Capoeira 
 8. Chevreuil  Maggie  Capoeira 
 9. Elliott Smith  Little Maggie 12.07.00  Complete Live Covers Compilation 
 10. Eddie Cantor  Now I Always Have Maggie Alone   
 11. Atoosa  Maggie May  When The Cardinals Come 
 12. Rod Stewart  Maggie May  Every Picture Tells a Story   
 13. Rod Stewart  Maggie Mae     
 14. Big Red and the Wagoneers  Little Maggie  Burning it Down at Byrne's 
 15. Johnny Incognito  Little Maggie  The S.T.D. 
 16. flip & joe breskin  maggie  Unknown Album (3/27/2005 9:16:05 PM) 
 17. The Irish Rovers  Maggie Mae  Silver Anniversary 
 18. Jason Bryant  maggie  Jason Bryant's Album 
 19. Vance, Bear, Lipkind, Rotchfor  Little Maggie  KBOO Station to Station 
 20. T. Roby and J. Bandy  Maggie  Netnews Compilation 
 21. Doc Watson  Little Maggie  Doc and the Boys  
 22. Blur  Maggie May  Anniversary Box Set Disc 6   
 23. Rod Stewart  Maggie May  The Best Of Rod Steward   
 24. Simtec & Wylie  Maggie May  Funky16Corners Blog 
 25. Blur  Maggie May  Anniversary Box Set Disc 6   
 26. Ronnie Drew  Since Maggie Went Away  The Humour Is On Me Now 
 27. Helen Hughes  Mean Maggie  The Friend, September 2007 
 28. Blur  Maggie May  Chemical World (The 10 Year An   
 29. Rod Stewart  Maggie May  back to the 70's   
 30. Hayes Carll  Maggie's Farm  2009-05-24 - Threadgill's South 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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